The author's primary purpose in writing this passage is to______.
A. warn people of the harm of H. pylori colonization of the stomach
B. make people aware of the harm of eradicating H. pylori from the stomach
C. suggest that the benefits of eradicating H. pylori from the stomach are not outweighed by the potential harm
D. call attention to the consequences of eradicating H. pylori from the stomach
A. eventually
B. accidentally
C. surprisingly
D. fortunately
Which of the following would most probably follow the last sentence of this passage?
A. Furthermore, the disappearance of H. pylori may be a sentinel indicating the possibility of other microbial extinctions as well.
B. The possibility that this bacterium may actually protect people against disease of the esophagus has significant implications.
C. However, there has been an unexpected rise in the incidence of a new class of diseases involving the esophagus.
D. The rise of these diseases has occurred just as H. pylori has been disappearing, and it is tempting to associate the two phenomena.
A. 保证合同中约定保证人代为履行非金钱债务的,如果保证人不能实际代为履行,对债权人因此造成的损失,保证人可以免除赔偿责任
B. 不具有完全代偿能力的法人,以保证人身份订立保证合同后,又以自己没有代偿能力要求免除保证责任的,人民法院可以支持
C. 从事经营活动的事业单位、社会团体为保证人的,如无其他导致保证合同无效的情况,其所签定的保证合同应当认定为有效
D. 企业法人的分支机构经法人书面授权提供保证的,如果法人的书面授权范围不明,法人的分支机构对保证合同约定的债务免除保证责任
A. 正确
B. 错误