单选Which of the following is not in upper extremities.( )
A. carpal
B. patella
C. radius
D. ulna
单选Pectoral girdle includes two bones clavicle and ___________
A. pelvis
B. ilium
C. pubis
D. scapula
单选Which bone is on the little finger side of the forearm? ( )
A. phalanges
B. humerus
C. ulna
D. tibia
在C语言中,一维数组的定义方式为:类型说明符 数组名_______。
A. [常量表达式]
B. [整型表达式]
C. [整型常量或整型表达式]
D. [整型常量]
A. int x=10;int a[x];
B. int a[0-9]
C. int[10] a;
D. int a[2*5]