According to research on expertise development, what characteristic seperates novice teachers from expert teachers()
A. Novice teacher tend to rely on their pedagogical skills because their content knowlege is less complex than that of experts
B. Expert teachers do more short-term memory processing than novices because their thinking is more complex
C. Novice teachers have to constantly upgrade and examine their own teaching practices, whereas experts use a “best practices” approach
D. Expert teachers are critical thinkers
What makes a good teacher()
A. Knowing the subject matters and knowledgeable
B. Mastering teaching skills
C. A intentional teacher
D. Critical thinking
E. A tough teacher
What is the Bundesliga()
A. The German Federal Soccer League
B. The Second Football League
C. The European Association for Soccer
D. The First Football League
Which of the following statements are correct for a helicopter parent()
A. Helicopter parenting may cause long-term mental health problems to the offspring
B. Helicopter parenting can limit a child’s independence
C. Helicopter parenting is a practical and effective style of raising children as the parent is dedicated
D. Helicopter parenting can make children less able to regulate their own behavior
What is Nemo expected to do before he is officially accepted by the tank gang family()
A. To promise to be cooperative
B. To agree to join their escape plan
C. To swim through “The Ring of Fire”
D. To agree to be the present of Darla