

A. 科学的理论
B. 人民的理论
C. 实践的理论
D. 不断发展的开放的理论



A. 实现中华民族伟大复兴的行动指南
B. 新时代中国共产党人的思想旗帜
C. 立足中国、引领时代、影响世界的当代中国马克思主义
D. 21世纪马克思主义

Task 4Listen to the conversation twice and choose the best answer to each question.[音频]1. What does the man think of the country life?

A. He dislikes the country life.
B. He likes living in the country.
C. He lives in the country.
D. He wants to live in the country.

2. The man thinks of the country life as __________.

A. terrible
B. comfortable
C. unhappy
D. convenient

3. Which of the following is not the inconveniences the man has found?

A. It's difficult to find entertainment.
B. There are fewer shops.
C. There are fewer services.
D. There is no sufficient food supply.
