What are some of the steps a person can take to prevent his house from being broken into while he is away.'? One step is to make sure that the house seems a lived-in one. Living room curtains should be pulled down only half-way. Bedrooms that usually have the curtains pulled down at night should be left down. Another is to make sure that all outside locks are the dead-boh type (双保险). Still another is to leave several IOOW lights burning and make sure that one is in the kitchen.
Lights that turned on and off by themselves are the best. Then, too, it is a good idea to leave the radio turned on and set to a talking station. Any type of speaking makes a thief think twice before trying to enter. Finally, while away on holiday, make sure that nothing collects in front or in the house. Particularly, make certain that the newspaper is stopped and that a trusted neighbour has been asked to pick up the mail. Thieves are especially quick to notice piled-up newspapers and overpiled mail boxes.
Why did the writer begin this piece with question?