采用Charpy冲击测定材料的冲击性能时,其摆锤位移代表材料的( )。
A. 强度;
B. 延性;
C. 韧性;
D. 硬度。
Task 2 Using the wordsChoose the proper word or phrase in the box to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences. Change the form where necessary.careertemporarygraduationassethirepriorityimplementemployercuriositysort out
“百合病见于阴者,以阳法救之; 。见阳攻阴,复发其汗,此为逆;见阴攻阳,乃复下之,此亦为逆。”
百合病的病机是( )
A. 心脾两虚
B. 心肺阴虚
C. 心肝血虚
D. 心肾不交
E. 肝肾阴虚虚