

A. 对
B. 错



A. 对
B. 错

Bridging the Gap:dailyget upsincecommunicatewhilescheduleeverywherein touch withuseenjoyDon't we find it irresistible? The Internet is 1 , and it is loved and used by everyone for everything. Many of us 2 in the morning, and before saying hello to anyone we live with or before even having breakfast, we sit down and use and 3 the Internet. We get our news, receive our mail, send our letters, write to our teachers, do our shopping, arrange our lives, 4 our travels, meet new friends, review all the knowledge in the universe, and most of us do it 5 we are sitting in a chair looking at the screen. Can life get any better? I think any of us who make the Internet a 6 companion would agree that nothing has been the same 7 we first decided to go online.A quick survey reveals that most people will tell you that they use the Internet to stay 8 others. Most of us say that writing or receiving e-mail is our number one 9 of the Internet. We do this at home, at work, or wherever we sit down at a computer. We send and receive e-mails for fun, for personal reason, for daily business, and in all areas of our work. The Internet allows us to 10 from room to room, city to city, or country to country for the same price and the same immediate speed. Correspondence is king of Internet use.


A. IIC总线可以实现一对多通信
B. IIC总线可以实现全双工通信
C. IIC总线的通信方可以不需要高精度的时钟电路
D. IIC总线的通信总线需要上拉电路连接到VCC


A. SPI总线只能实现一对一的通信
B. SPI总线通信过程中,由主机提供时钟信号
C. SPI总线通信过程中,MISO是主机发送数据,从机接收数据通信接口
D. SPI总线通信可以实现全双工通信,也可以实现半双工或者单向通信
E. SPI总线通信的主机与从机之间可以不用共地
