
患者,男性,42岁。 2个月来出现午后低热、盗汗、乏力、消瘦、食欲缺乏,近1周出现高热、咳嗽、咳痰,痰中带血,痰结核分枝杆菌阳性,收入院治疗。对该患者应采取的隔离措施是

A. 呼吸道隔离
B. 肠道隔离
C. 接触隔离
D. 床边隔离
E. 保护性隔离


The word “feature”in "In 1998, Newsweek featured Stephen Hawking on its cover"(paragraph 1) means

A. to include someone/something as an important part
B. numbers
C. a special article in a newspaper or magzine
D. a typical quality or an important part of something

Which of the following would be a good alternative title for this passage?

An excerpt from Alder's profile
B. The Autobiology of Stephen Hawking
C. Unknown stories of Stephen Hawking
D. The Legend of Stephen Hawking

What does the author use to compare dealing with someone like Stephen Hawking?

A. metaphors
B. legendary heros

The word "fit" in "going up and down the stage, giving more than a dozen talks, on a schedule that any fit person would find exhausting" means

A. suitable
B. healthy
C. fair
D. matched
