If you decide to take a day off, do you __________?
A. go to work
B. stay at home
Look at the sentences from the passage and choose the best meaning.With a cup of coffee, maybe some breakfast, the ritual of reading the newspaper was the quiet before the storm …
A. Reading a newspaper is one of life’s small pleasures.
B. People no longer have the habit of reading newspapers.
A mere nine per cent trust the information the newspaper contains.
A. There are different reasons why young people don’t read newspapers.
B. Newspapers today are not objective enough.
The advertiser can monitor minute by minute if their ads are working …
A. It’s cheaper to advertise on the Internet.
B. Advertisers have more control over Internet advertising.
… paper mills are among the worst polluters of air, water and land of any industry in the US.
A. Newspapers are in decline because they cause too much pollution.
B. There is a good environmental reason in favour of online editions.