The dynamic gains from trade include all of the following except:
A. Economies of large-scale production resulting in decreasing unit cost
B. Increased saving and investment resulting in economic growth
C. Increased competition resulting in lower prices and wider range of output
D. Increasing comparative advantage leading to specialization
All of the following may be exit barriers except
A. Employee health benefit costs
B. Treatment, storage and disposal costs
C. Penalties for terminating contracts with raw material supplies
D. Increasing opportunity cost of production
Incomplete specialization may be caused by
A. Increasing opportunity cost
B. Unrestricted trade
Constant opportunity cost
Decreasing opportunitybcost
Improvements in productivity may lead to wenkening comparative advantage if
A. The assumption of fixed technologies under constant costs is relaxed
B. Technologies available to each nation is allowed to differ
C. Resource endowments are allowed to vary
D. All of the above
Adam Smith
A. Was a leading advocate of free trade
B. Developed the concept of absolute advantage
C. Maintained that labor costs represent the major determinant of production cost
D. All of the above