
The United States has a major racial problem on its hands. True, Britain is facing a similar problem, but for the time being it is in America that it is graver. The only way to solve it is through education. Negroes should know about the contributions that black individuals and groups have made towards building America. This is of vital importance for their self-respect, and it is perhaps even more important for white people to know. For if you believe that a man has no history worth mentioning, it is easy to assume that he has no value as a man.
Many people believe that, since the Negro's achievements do not appear in the history books, he did not have any. Most people are taken aback when they learn that Negroes sailed with Columbus, marched with the Spanish conquerors of South America and fought side by side with white Americans in all their wars. People are astonished when you tell them about Phillis Wheatley, who learned English as a slave in Boston and wrote first-class poetry. They have never heard of Benjamin Banneker, a mathematician and a surveyor, who helped to plan the city of Washington.
There has been a tendency all along to treat the black man as if he were invisible, little has been written about the 5,000 American Negroes who fought in the Revolution against the British, but they were in every important battle. In the Anglo-American war of 1812, at least one out of every six men in the U, S. Navy was a Negro. In the Civil war, more than 200,000 black troops fought in the Union forces. How, then, did the image of the Negro as a valiant fighting man disappear? To justify the hideous institution of slavery, slaveholders had to create the myth of the docile, slow-witted Negro, incapable of self-improvement, and even contented with his lot. Nothing could be further from the truth. The slave fought for his freedom at every chance he got, and there were numerous uprisings. Yet the myth of docility persisted.
There are several other areas where the truth has been twisted or concealed. Most people have heard of the Negro. Carver, who invented scores of new uses for the lowly peanut. But whoever heard of Norbert Rillieux, who in 1846 invented a vacuum pan that revolutionized the sugar-refining industry? Or of Elijah McCoy, who in 1872 invented the drip cup that feeds oil to the moving parts of heavy machinery? How many people know that Negroes are credited with inventing such different items as ice creams, potato chips, the gas mask and the first traffic light? Not many. As for the winning the West, the black cowboy and the black frontiersman have been almost ignored, though film producers are becoming more aware of their importance. Yet in the typical trail crew of eight men that drove cattle from Texas to Kansas, at least two would have been Negroes. The black troops of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry formed one-fifth of all the mounted troops assigned to protect the frontier after the Civil War. What difference does it make? You may ask. A lot. The cowboy is the American folk-hero. Youngsters identify with him instantly. The average cowboy film is really a kind of morality play, with good guys and bad guys and right finally triumphing over wrong. You should see the amazement and happiness on black youngsters' faces when they learn that their ancestors really had a part in all that.
From the passage we know that Negroes _______.

A. have no self-respect
B. have no history
C. need to have an interest in history
D. need to learn what they have done for America


Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Without a car most people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor he doesn't feel really poor when he had a car.
Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbers. He probably didn't know how much the car was going to affect American culture. The car made the United Stated a nation on wheels. And it helped make the United States what it is today.
There are three main reasons why the car become so popular in the United States. First of all, the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form. of transportation. With a car people can go anyplace without spending a lot of money.
The second reason cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form. of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the country as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air-service provided by planes. But it is too expensive to be used frequently.
The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don't like to have to follow an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time. And this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.
The gas shortage has caused a big problem for Americans. But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation. The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much gas.
Most Americans feel they are poor when they______.

A. have no job
B. have no food
C. have no money
D. have no car

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Books made of cloth came out earlier than picture books.
B. When you buy work-books you will be given free comic books.
C. Traditional children's books are not being removed from market.
D. Babies can not have books while taking a bath.

It seems that only when government decides it can afford tax incentives or production sacrifices is there any initiative for change. Where is industry's and our recognition that protecting mankind's great treasure is the single most important responsibility? If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems, that time is now.
We are being asked, and, in fact, the public is demanding that we take positive action. It is our responsibility as professionals in environmental health to make the difference. Yes, the ecologists, the environmental activists and the conservationists serve to communicate, stimulate thinking and promote behavioral change. However, it is those of us who are paid to make the decisions to develop, improve and enforce environmental standards, I submit, who must lead the charge.
We must recognize that environmental health issues do not stop at city limits, county lines, state or even federal boundaries. We can no longer afford to be tunnel-versioned in our approach. We must visualize issues from every perspective make the objective decisions. We must express our views clearly to prevent media distortion and public confusion. I believe we have a three-part mission for the present. First, we must continue to press for improvements in the quality of life that people can make for themselves. Second, we must investigate and understand the link between environment and health. Third, we must be able to communicate technical information in a form. that citizens can understand. If we can accomplish these three goals in this decade, maybe we can finally stop environmental degradation, and not merely hold it back. We will then be able to spend pollution dollars truly on prevention rather than on bandages.
We can infer from the first two paragraphs that the industrialists disregard environmental protection chiefly because _______.

A. they are unaware of the consequences of what they are doing
B. they are reluctant to sacrifice their own economic interests
C. time has not yet come for them to put due emphasis on it
D. it is difficult for them to take effective measures

When you are small, all ambitions fall into one grand category: when I'm grown up. When I'm grown up, you say, I'll go up in space. I'm going to be an author. I'll kill them all and then they'll be sorry. I'll be married in a cathedral with sixteen bridesmaids in pink lace. I'll have a puppy of my own and no one will be able to take him away. None of it ever happens, of course—or dam little, but the fantasies give you the idea that there is something to grow up for. Indeed, one of the saddest things about gilded adolescence is the feeling that from eighteen on, it's all downhill; I read with horror of an American hippie wedding where someone said to the groom (aged twenty)" you seem so kinda grown up somehow", and the lad had to go round seeking assurance that he wasn't. No, really he wasn't. A determination to be better adults than the present incumbents are fine, but to refuse to grow up at all is just plain unrealism.
Right, so then you get some of what you want, or something like it, or something that will do all fight; and for years you are too busy to do more than live in the present and put one foot in front of the other, your goals stretching little beyond the day when the boss has a stroke or the moment when the children can bring you tea in bed—and the later moment when they actually bring you hot tea, not mostly slopped in the saucer. However, I have now discovered an even sweeter category of ambition. When my children are grown up, I'll learn to fly an airplane. I will career round the sky, knowing that if I do "go pop", there will be no little ones to suffer shock and maladjustment; that even if the worst does come to the worst, I will at least dodge the geriatric ward and all that look for your glasses in order to see where you've left your teeth. When my children are grown up, I'll have fragile lovely things on low tables; I'll have a white carpet; I'll go to the pictures in the afternoons. When the children are grown up, I'll actually be able to do a day's work in a day, instead of spread over three, and go away for a weekend without planning as if for a trip to the Moon. When I'm grown up— I mean when they're grown up—I'll be free.
Of course, I know it's got to get worse before it gets better. Twelve-year-old, I'm told, don't go to bed at seven, so you don't even get your evenings. Once they're past ten you have to start worrying about their friends instead of simply shooing the intruders off the doorstep, and to settle down to a steady ten years of criticism of everything you' ve ever thought or done or worn. Boys, it seems, may be less of a trial than girls, since they can't get pregnant and they don't borrow your clothes—if they do borrow your clothes, of course, you've got even more to worry about.
The young don't respect their parents any more, that's what. Goodness, how sad. Still, like eating snails, it might be all fight once you've got over the idea; it might let us off having to bother quite so much with them when the time comes. But one is simply not going to be able to drone away one's days, toothless by the fire, brooding on the past.
Young people often feel that the age of eighteen is the _______.

A. fight age to get married
B. gateway to happiness
C. hardest part of life
D. best time of life
