Disadvantages of randomized clinical trials are:
A. ethical concerns
B. costs
C. feasibility
D. non-compliance
One of the commonly used systems for grading the evidence is:
A. Ia: systematic review or meta-analysis of RCTs; Ib: at least one RCT
B. IIa: at least one well-designed controlled study without randomization; IIb: at least one well-designed quasi-experimental study, such as a cohort study
C. III: well-designed non-experimental descriptive studies (comparative studies, correlation studies, case-control studies, case series, case reports)
D. IV: expert committee reports, opinions formal consensus
The levels of recommendation are based on the strength of evidence:
A: based on hierarchy I evidence
B: based on hierarchy II evidence or extrapolated from hierarchy I evidence
C: based on hierarchy II evidence or extrapolated from hierarchy I or II evidence
D: directly based on hierarchy IV evidence or extrapolated from hierarchy I, II, or III evidence
Usethefollowingfourquestionstodeterminethedifferencebetweenaclinicalstudyandaclinicaltrial (if the answers to the following 4 questions are yes, your study meets the NIH definition of a clinical trial):
A. Doesthestudyinvolvehumanparticipants?
B. Aretheparticipantsprospectivelyassignedtoanintervention?
C. Isthestudydesignedtoevaluatetheeffectoftheinterventionontheparticipants?
D. Istheeffectbeingevaluatedahealth-relatedbiomedicalorbehavioraloutcome?