Select Case 语句结构中,测试项可以有三种形式,以下使用正确的是_______。
A. Case 20>Is
B. Casex<=8 ,10 to 25
D. CaseIs>x
在Select-Case结构中,能表示|X| > 5的Case子句是______。
A. Case Is < -5, Is > 5
B. Case Not (-5 to 5)
Case Abs(x) > 5
D. Case -5 To 5
A. If x Mod 7 = 2 Then Print x
B. If x - (x \ 7) * 7 = 2 Then Print x
C. If x - (x / 7) * 7 = 2 Then Print x
D. If x - Int(x / 7) * 7 = 2 Then Print x
设A = "A",B = "B",C = "C",D = "D",执行语句X = IIf((A < B) Or (C > D), "A", "B")后,X的值为______。
A. "a"
B. "b"
C. "B"
D. "A"
编写如下程序:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim score As Integerscore = 90If score > 80 Thenr = 5ElseIf score > 60 Thenr = 3Elser = 1End IfPrint rEnd Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮Command1,输出结果为(______)。