最大的土楼有300多个房间,能容纳800多个人。中心是公用场地,有水井和厨房。轴心是家族议事的地方。There are more than 300 rooms in the largest tu lou, which can ____ more than 800 people. The center of tu lou is the public area ____. Family meetings are held _____.
几百年来土楼里的人们洗衣,做饭,在节日里祭拜祖先,一个庞大的家族就这样时代如此,和谐相处。现在土楼迎接八方游客。People have lived in the tu lou, cooking, washing clothes, and _____ in harmony for hundreds of years. Now tu lou are _____.
当你走过一扇扇精美的门窗便可感受到那份家的亲情和古朴的民风。You can ____ the family love and _____ when you pass by the lovely windows.
陈望道在翻译( )时说过“真理的味道非常甜”?
A. 《社会主义史》
B. 《资本论》
C. 《德意志意识形态》
D. 《共产党宣言》
中国共产党的历史使命是( )?
A. 完成新民主主义革命
B. 领导中国人民推翻“三座大山”
C. 实现中华民族伟大复兴
D. 建立社会主义国家