Preliminary events can be anything that influences the initiating event. Preliminary events set the stage for a hazardous condition. The initiating event, sometimes called the trigger event, is the actual mechanism or condition that causes the accident to occur.
Intermediate events can have two effects: They may propagate or ameliorate the accident. Functioning relief valves in a pressure system will ameliorate a system over pressurization. No pressure relief will propagate the hazardous condition and create an accident of system pressure rupture.
A. 客户提取存款进行日常交易
B. 金融监管要求的准备金
C. 在开盘期间的股票市场中买卖赚取差价
D. 满足票据的清偿与结算需求
A. 季节性流动性需求
B. 长期流动性需求
C. 周期性流动性需求
D. 临时性流动性需求
A. 保守的银行倾向于通过资产变现满足流动性需求。
B. 激进的银行倾向于通过借款满足流动性需求。
C. 大银行较多地采用拆借方式满足流动性需求
D. 小银行主要通过持有现金来满足流动性需求