
终末消毒是指( )

A. 对现在存在或增加存在过传染源的疫源地进行消毒
B. 传染源因住院、转移、死亡而离开疫源地后对疫源地进行的消毒
C. 在未发现传染源的情况下对有可能被病原体污染的物品、场所等进行的消毒
D. 消除或杀灭外界环境中存活的病原体
E. 传染源还在疫源地时进行的消毒


下列可能经垂直传播的疾病是( )

A. 麻疹
B. 甲型肝炎
C. 猩红热
D. 流行性乙型脑炎
E. 病毒性乙型肝炎

下列是主动免疫生物制品的是( )

A. 狂犬疫苗
B. 抗狂犬病免疫血清
C. 丙种球蛋白
D. 破伤风抗毒素
E. 胎盘球蛋白

某市级医院医生确诊一例病毒性乙型肝炎,该医生应该在几小时内进行网络报告( )

A. 72小时
B. 48小时
C. 12小时
D. 8小时
E. 24小时

Put the verbs in brackets into simple past or past progressive,past perfective or past perfective progressive.The clock (1)____(strike)four as Mary reached her flat. She (2)____(light)a final cigarette and sat at her dressing-table thinking of the party she(3)____(leave)an hour before. She would have been home much earlier but she(4)____(have)difficulty in finding a taxi at that late hour. Reflecting that if she didn’t go to bed quickly,she would feel dreadful at work next day,she(5)____(put)down her cigarette,(6)____(undress)quickly,and got into bed. She(7)____(fall)asleep at once.At that moment,the cigarette which she(8)____(put)down and(9)____(forget) to put out, (10)____(drop) from the side of the ashtray and burned a hole in the dressing-table cloth. Upon waking, Mary found that the cigarette not only (11)____(burn) a hole in the cloth, it also (12)____(make) an ugly mark on the wood.
