
Those other sources serve to ground our moral judgment, while science avoids or ________ moral questions, since it cannot answer them and rarely needs to ask them.

A. flatters
B. flat
C. flatten
D. flattens


Rather than as morally neutral, then, we might describe the modern ________ of the scientific worldview as morally neutralizing, crowding out our means of moral reasoning and sources of moral authority.

A. ascend
B. ascent
C. allegiance
D. ascendancy

For all its power, science risks leaving us morally and metaphysically ___________.

A. impotent
B. important
C. impact
D. impotence

When we allude to the Brave New World as shorthand for the _____ technological dystopic that threatens our future if we fail to meet this challenge, we must be sure to remember the full Shakespearean exclamation from which Aldous Huxley drew his novel's title: "O brave new world that has such people in't!"

A. inhumane
B. inhuman
C. human
D. humane

The combination of honey and cinnamon has been used in both oriental and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries as a remedy ______________ many diseases and a formula for many health benefits.

A. to
B. for
C. in
D. up
