以下诗句描写的是哪种花卉()《宜男花赋》 魏晋·夏侯湛淑大邦之奇草兮,应则百之休祥。禀至贞之灵气兮,显嘉名以自彰。冠众卉而挺生兮,承木德于少阳。体柔性刚,蕙洁兰芳。结纤根以立本兮,嘘灵渥于青云。顺阴阳以滋茂兮,笑含章之有文。远而望之,烛若丹霞照青天。近而观之,晔若芙蓉鉴绿泉。萋萋翠叶,灼灼朱华。炜若珠玉之树,焕若景宿之罗。充后妃之盛饰兮,登紫微之内庭。回日月之晖光兮,随天运以虚盈。
A. 鸡冠花
B. 百合
C. 萱草
D. 益母草
Complete Mike’s reply to Jack with the following items.A. Dear JackB. YoursC. They’re open-minded and helpful, with a great sense of humour, just like youD. mikechen@126.comE. I hope to see you this winter vacationFrom: ____________To: jackjunior@sina.comSubject: Re: My college life____________,Great to hear from you. It’s good to know that you’ve already made some new friends at college. They sound so interesting and special that I hope to meet them some day.My college is fine, too. I’ve also made some new friends here. ____________. The most interesting guy is Steven. He is always in high spirits. I can’t even count the number of tricks he has played to make people laugh. So, you see, I’m also happy here.____________, and look forward to getting together again with old friends. Please keep in touch.You can find a photo of Steven and me in the attachment.____________,Mike
A. 红色
B. 蓝色
C. 紫色
D. 绿色
A. 我国公民履行义务的意识不断提高
B. 我国公民的政治参与意识不断增强
C. 公民牺牲个人利益服从国家利益
D. 我国公民积极参与国际交流与合作
A. ①②
B. ①③
C. ②③
D. ③④