What does the woman think of her new neighbor?[音频]
A. She thinks he talks too much.
B. She thinks he is always very frank.
C. She thinks he is simple-minded.
D. She thinks he doesn't like speaking.
What is the man going to do this weekend?[音频]
A. He is going to congratulate Mr. Smith.
B. He is going to move to a new apartment house.
C. He is going to help Mr. Smith move to new house.
D. He is going to tell Mr. Smith the good news.
A. 福利政策框架
B. 公平政策框架
C. 反贫困政策框架
D. 效率政策框架
A. 传统社会性别规范的制约
B. 受教育程度制约
C. 不合理的生育制度的制约
D. 社会经济条件的制约
A. 缺乏明确的奋斗目标
B. 过于强调性别差异
C. 挫折承受能力弱
D. 抗干扰能力差