就餐是人们每天都要做的事,无论是在家里,还是在餐馆,做法正确的是( )
A. 先请长辈入座最佳位置
B. 狼吞虎咽
C. 专挑自己喜欢的菜吃
D. 随时离开餐桌
站立是人们日常交往中一种最基本的举止,正确在站姿要求是( )
A. 头正、双目平视、平和自然
B. 躯干挺直、收腹、挺胸、立腰
C. 双腿随意放置
D. 双臂放松、抱于胸前
与他人握手应做到( )
A. 注视对方、微笑致意
B. 戴帽子和手套
C. 握手的时间应以3秒为宜
D. 站立跟坐着都可以
在求学阶段,处理好同学之间的相互关系应注意的是( )
A. 和睦相处
B. 团结友爱
C. 相互攀比
D. 共同进步
Complete the sentence with following words or phrases。 Change the form if necessary.(alternative; regardless of; suppose; be inclined to; according to)1. Everyone has the right to live where he wants to, _____the color of his skin.2. I _____ believe that he will agree to our plan.3. If he wants to get to Beijing by tonight, he has no____ but to go by plane.4. __________the manager, there will be a meeting next week.5.__________your friends knew how you’re behaving here, what would they think?