

A. 为人民服务
B. 促进和谐共生
C. 维护世界和平
D. 促进共同发展
E. 保护多边主义


《中华人民共和国乡村振兴促进法》的立法目的是为了全面实施乡村振兴战略,促进( )、( )、( ),加快农业农村现代化,全面建设社会主义现代化国家而制定的法律。

A. 农村全面升级
B. 农业全面发展
C. 农村全面进步
D. 农业全面升级
E. 农民全面发展

习近平总书记指出,金砖国家要展现担当,维护以世界贸易组织为基石的多边贸易体制,让科技发展的最新成果惠及所有国家,推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、 ( )、( )、( )的方向发展。

A. 共享
B. 平衡
C. 协调
D. 普惠
E. 共赢

For decades,biobanking has been held up as an essential research tool. While few doubt the scientific value of having catalogues of well-characterized tissues, cells, and other samples, these research platforms have also generated a significant amount of legal and moral controversy, especially in the context of consent and the control of research samples.Throughout the world, billions of public and private dollars have been invested in biobanks and millions of individuals have been asked to donate biological material and personal information. But, at the same time, there remains deep uncertainty about fundamental legal and moral norms.Legal scholars have argued that the most commonly used form of consent—that is, broad or open consent—does not adhere to relevant legal norms, which would seem to require a more comprehensive and specific approach to the consent process. Because the details of future work cannot be known, this approach means providing research participants with far less information than is traditionally disclosed(披露)in the case of specific consents.It is true that many studies have consistently found that, for the most part, the public supports biobanking initiatives and trusts the research community. But that support and trust are fragile. There are many social forces, such as the increasing involvement of industry in biobanking initiatives, which could erode public confidence. In addition, there are a number of social trends that may heighten public interest in the control of human biological material. Research ethics controversies can have a profound erect on public perceptions and consent policy.An emerging interest in biorights, though not widespread, could also challenge the existing approaches of biobanking. Indeed, areas such as genetics(遗传学)and stem cell research receive a great deal of positive coverage in the popular press, including reference to the economic potential of the work.Within the scientific community it has become widely accepted that biobanks are an indispensable research tool, essential for picking out complex gene-environment interactions. There is little doubt that biobanking is here to stay. But we need to recognize that despite decades of academic debate, fundamental legal and moral challenges remain.1. As to biobanking, what do people doubt about?

A. The permission and control of samples.
B. The donation of biological material.
C. The scientific value of research samples.
D. The elementary legal and moral standards.

2. What is one of the disadvantages of broad consent comparing to specific consent?

A. It follows more approaches.
B. It requires more participants.
C. It reveals less information.
D. It conforms to fewer legal norms.
