A. 粗口成脏,话脏嘴贱——寄说话粗鲁者
B. 让一让心畅路畅.抢一抢心堵路堵——寄驾车者
C. 带走您的垃圾,留下您的品格——清洁寄语
D. 先下后上能下能上.一哄而上难上难下——乘车寄语
A. 10万元
B. 20万元
C. 30万元
D. 50万元
Which statement describes the process of dynamically assigning IP addresses by the DHCP server?()
Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement.
B. Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times.
C. Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made.
D. Addresses are leased to hosts, which periodically contact the DHCP server to renew the lease.