



A. 正确
B. 错误

You execute the following set of commands to create a database user and to grant the system privileges in your production environment. SQL> CREATE USER user01 IDENTIFIED BY oracle DEFAULT TABLESPACE tbs1 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp PROFILE default / SQL> GRANT create session, create table TO user01; While executing the command to create a table, the user gets the following error message and the CREATE TABLE.. command fails. ERROR at line 1: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace What could be the possible reason for this error message?()

A. The tablespace TBS1 is full.
B. The user is not the owner of the SYSTEM tablespace.
C. The user does not have quota on the TBS1 tablespace.
D. The user does not have sufficient system privileges to create table in the TBS1 tablespace.
E. The user does not have sufficient privileges to create table on the default permanent tablespace.



A. 定期一本通项下可以开立整存整取、定活两便、通知存款等账户
B. 定期一本通项下的整存整取存款系统默认的是自动转存,不能修改为非自动转存
C. 定期一本通存折结清冲正换发不允许他人代办
D. 对于破损换发、满页换发、销户等作废定期一本通存折,柜员应对存折封底页磁条及交易内页做剪角处理,在旧存折账号和公章处加盖“作废”章,同时在旧存折每页加盖“作废”章,经业务经理复核后将作废存折交付客户
