Which statement about stowing spare hose is TRUE().
A. Fold the hose so that the male coupling is about 4 feet from the female coupling,then roll it up
B. Roll the hose starting at the female end
C. Roll the hose starting at the male end
D. Fold the hose into lengths about 6 feet long and then lash the folds together
A. 未经总行批准,各分行相互间不得调用重要空白凭证
B. 支行之间的重空调剂须经支行主管行长批准
C. 分行之间重空调拨由调出行通过会计要素管理系统向总行发起申请
D. 柜员之间办理调拨或交接时,由调出柜员通过要素系统发起申请,经营业室经理审批后,调入人凭密码办理调入