一个完整的采购流程由需求确定与采购计划的制定、( )、定价、拟定并发出订单、订单跟踪和催货、验货和收货、开票与支付货款、记录维护组成,缺不可。
A. 供应源搜寻与分析
B. 竞争性报价
C. 谈判
D. 发送采购意向
A. 比价采购
B. 询价采购
C. 招标采购
D. 电子采购
The wisdom of a learned man cometh byopportunity of leisure: and he that hathlittle business shall become wise.-- ()
What is this life if, full of care,We have no time to stand and ().—William Henry Davies