

A. 图表需重新生成才能随着改变
B. 图表将自动相应改变
C. 可以通过单击“视图”选项卡中的“刷新”命令使图表发生改变
D. 系统将给出错误提示



A. 对
B. 错

20.在EXCEL 2010中,可以同时打开多个工作簿文件,但当前工作簿只能有一个。

A. 对
B. 错

U8 TheexpressionsbelowaresomewordsandexpressionsyouhavelearnedinTextA.Completethefollowingsenteceswiththem.Changetheformwherenecessary.dictaterejecttremendousas suchget overa fish out of waterabroadtransplanttransmitresult frombuild uporient oneself to1. I'm afraid I shall be like _____________________ if I live abroad.2. Everthing here is new to me; I need some to ___________________ the new surroundings.3. Laura ___________________ all her parents' offers of financial help and started to make an independent living.4. Adults are often less flexible, so they need more time to adapt themselves to the new surroundings when they are _________________ to another place.5. He explained that his bad temper __________________ his lack of sleep; he had been working for three days and nights without any rest.6. Talk to someone or a professional about your problems. Don't let your depression ______________.7. The doctor told me it was only a stomach upset, not food poisoning, and I would ______________ it in a day or two.8. My uncle has spent a _________________ amount of money on that house -- much greater than he had expected.9. Some diseases are _________________ from parents to children; they are called hereditary diseases.10. He is a child, and must be treated _________________; it's unreasonable to treat him like an adult.11. The company has increased its share of the market at home and _________________.12. The tennis club rules __________________ that suitable tennis shoes must be worn on the courts.

12.关于公式“=AVERAGE(A2:C2 B1:B10)”和“=AVERAGE(A2:C2,B1:B10)”,下列说法正确的是()

A. 计算结果一样的公式
B. 第一个公式写错了,没有这样的写法
C. 第二个公式写错了,没有这样的写法
D. 两个公式都对
