Which of the following experiments uses the self-indicator method?
A. Standardization KMnO4 solution
B. Standardization NaOH solution
C. Standardization Na2S2O3 solution
Determination of the content of ammonium chloride
When determine the concentration of H2O2 with KMnO4 solution, which can be used to control acidity? ( )。
B. HCl
C. HAc
D. H2SO4
Which indicator is used in the determination of H2O2 ( )
A. KMnO4
B. Phenolphthalein indicator
C. Eriochrome Black T
D. methyl orang indicator
A. 紫色
B. 淡蓝色
C. 橙红色
D. 淡红色
测定NH4Cl的含量,用到的指示剂为( )
A. 荧光黄
B. 曙红
C. 酚酞
D. 二甲基二碘荧光黄