
20世纪70年代末,新秀公司在计算机产业中独领风骚,这个阶段新秀的经营战略表现为企业内部成长与集中统一战略的融合,公司以不解雇政策、对员工进行职业生涯开发、提供培训机会及丰厚的额外福利而闻名。到了20世纪90年代,由于竞争的加剧,新秀改变了经营战略,更注重通过兼并其他公司来扩大规模,同时对公司中不赢利或技术过时的部门实行收缩策略。由此,新秀的培训部门也必须向公司的其他部门甚至外 部公司推销他们的服务,而其他部门有权选择外部机构提供培训服务。这意味着,如果培训部门推销不出去他们的服务,他们将被淘汰。

A. 培训部门也需要绩效考核
B. 培训活动应该推动公司实现其经营战略
C. 培训部门的角色将随着公司的发展而进行演变
D. 培训部门的客户不一定在企业内部



A. 培训与职业生涯开发相辅相成
B. 培训对职业生涯开发没有作用
C. 职业生涯开发过程与培训无关
D. 培训与职业生涯开发不能针对同一对象


A. 他们的技术已落伍
B. 这个年龄段学习能力最强
C. 结合已有技术经验,容易创新和发展
D. 他们的技术已被淘汰

听力原文: Tom Wilner is a lawyer who represents the 11 Kuwaltis being held at Guantanamo Bay. He told reporters in a telephone news conference that the Kuwaitis were beaten soon after their capture in Afghanistan and Pakistan before they were transferred to the U.S. Naval Base in Cuba. Mr. Wihier also says that several of them falsely confessed to being members of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. "Each of them has, during custody, been treated really terribly and physically abused," Mr. Wilner says. "All of them were hung from their wrists and beaten, sometimes beaten with chains. At least one was hung upside down from his ankles and beaten. They were all beaten, they said, until they would pass out." Mr. Wilner spoke to reporters only after his notes from recent meetings with the detainees were declassified by the U.S. government, which also gave him permission to discuss their cases. Human-rights groups have long expressed concern about the treatment of the more than 500 detainees at Guantanamo Bay, many of whom have been held there for more than three years.
Where were the Kuwaitis captured?

Afghanistan and Iraq.
B. Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan.
C. India and Pakistan.
D. Pakistan and Afghanistan.


A. 正确
B. 错误
