A. 主动—被动型
B. 指导合作型
C. 共同参与型
D. 代理母亲型
A. 纯技术模式
B. 权威模式
C. 合作模式
D. 契约模式
A. 技术关系
B. 非技术关系
C. 情感关系
D. 认知关系
2.6 柜台值机-句子测试If you want the passenger to show you his /her ticket and passport , you may say_____________________
A. May I see your ticket and passport, please?
B. Your ticket and passport , please, Sir/Madam.
Can I have your ticket and passport , please?
D. Give me your ticket and passport.
If you want to know the passenger's seat preference, you may ask___________________.
A. What kind of seat do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat?
B. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?
C. Sorry, no more window seats are available.
D. What would you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat?