
听力原文:W: Professor Pierson, could you give us a brief introduction of the well-known educational system for adult students in Sweden?
M: Yes, in Swedish we call it "folkbildning"(Swedish word), which means the popular non-formal and voluntary educational system for all ages. Although it has been made known very recently, the system has, in fact, evolved over a hundred years. People in Sweden come together to study on their own conditions, to listen to lectures, and to take part in social and cultural events.
W: Do they have to register for a school course and sit for classroom teaching as well?
M: Not exactly. Those study groups are referred to as study circles, which are conducted by a larger body called study associations. It is the most typical form. of liberal adult education in Sweden. A small group of people meet regularly for a period of time, most often a night per week, to study a certain subject or theme, or to take part in a cultural activity. The circle consists of 5 to 12 participants, of whom one is the leader. In Sweden today, there are around 350, 000 study circles every year, with about 2 and a half million participants altogether. They also arrange more than 200,000 cultural events, with about 15 million participants or visitors.
W: This is really a large enrollment, given the total population in your country. But how are the study' circles supported? Do they get government grants or are they privately funded?
M: Liberal adult education in Sweden is largely financed by grants from the government, regional governments, and local councils. The parliament has laid down the aims and conditions for granting government support. The aims are to further individuals' own creativity, and broaden their interest in culture. Furthermore, priority should be given to such activities that aim at narrowing and bridging educational gaps, and that are geared towards those who are educationally, socially and culturally disadvantaged.

A. Five years.
B. Fifteen years.
C. Fifty years.
D. A hundred years.



A. 严格
B. 严明
C. 坚强
D. 坚持

听力原文:Although I myself am not interested in investment, recently, topics such as buying shares and the stock market are a source of heated discussion among my friends.

A. My friends try to persuade me to invest in the stock market.
B. My friends talk a lot about investing in the stock market.
C. My friends say that investing in the stock market is crazy.
D. My friends and I have different opinions about the stock market.


A. 演出
B. 出现
C. 拿出
D. 卖出

听力原文:W: Did you go to the football match on Saturday?
M: No, I had to attend a wedding ceremony and I was driving all the way. from Leeds to Edinburgh. But I listened to the football commentary over the car radio instead. It sounded very exciting, indeed, I must say.
W: You must be joking.
M: Why?
W: Well, it was pretty dull really.
M: Was it? Come to think of it, that commentator, what's his name? Er... Bergman or something, he does tend to overdo it a bit.
W: Well, if he made that football match sound exciting, he certainly did overdo it.
M: How did it go, then? I should have thought the Leeds United did well to win with the York City in their present form.
W: Yes, I suppose they did. But 2:1 didn't do them justice. They should have had at least 3 in the first half and another 2 in the second.
M: Yes, he mentioned that there were some bad misses.
W: I'll say, you should have seen the one Johnson missed. He got hold of the ball out on the touchline, pushed it up to the outside right, and then ran into the middle for the cross, and when it came, it was a beauty. It dropped right in front of him. And all he had to do was to take his time and pick his spot, and instead, he took a wild swipe at it, and skied it miles over the bar.
M: Anyway, it was a relief my team won the game. Let's not look on the black side. Perhaps, they've learned their lesson. But I shall have to be off. When shall 1 see you?
W: Oh, on Saturday, I expect. I'll be there in the stadium on Saturday, all being well, that is.
M: Where will you be? Usual place?
W: Yes, usual place, on the terraces.
M: Okay, I'll see you then.
W: Bye!

A. He was attending a wedding ceremony.
B. He was on his way to Edinburgh.
C. He was in the football stadium.
D. He was in the cinema, with the woman.
