
May I ask what the entrance fee is()

A. Ok
B. Thank you
C. Not at all
D. It’s free for anyone


下述列表计算的结果是a= [1,11,10,10001,10001]a.append(2.5)print()

A. [2.5,1, 11, 10, 10001, 10001]
B. [1, 11, 10, 10001, 10001, 2.5]

Doctors advise___ a certain hour every day for exercise()

A. making aside
B. leaving aside
C. setting aside
D. putting aside

We will___ all the regions until we find the missing()

A. explore
B. look for
C. go through
D. find


A. 超文本标记语言(Hyper Text Markup Language)
B. 家庭工具标记语言(Home Tool Markup Language)
C. 超链接和文本标记语言(Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language)
D. 超级标记语言(Super markup language)
