
Thousands of people took part in the work when the Three Gorges Project (三峡工程) _____ .

A. would be built
B. was building
C. was being built
D. had been built


The sick man _____ to hospital right away.

A. must be sent
B. will send
C. ought be sent
D. must send

Do you know when the Chinese Communist Party _____ ?

A. is found
B. found
C. has been founded
D. was founded


A. 裴秀
B. 墨卡托
C. 托勒密
D. 亚里士多德

“T-O”型世界地图把世界绘成一个圆盘,以()为中心,由尼罗河、顿河、地中海等构成“ T ”字形水体,把陆地分隔为亚、非、欧三个大陆。()代表了伊甸园,被绘制在最上方。

A. 耶路撒冷;东方
B. 开罗;东方
C. 希腊;西方
D. 开罗;西方
