
LPS is composed of the following elements

A. Lipid A
B. core polysaccharide
C. teichoic acid
D. specific polysaccharide


The cell wall of Gram- bacteria is built up by __________ and _________.

A. teichoic acid
B. peptidopglycan
C. outer membrane

Which group do the pathogenic bacteria to human belong to ?

A. Photoautotrophs:
B. Chemoheterotrophs :
C. Photoheterotrophs:
D. Chemoautotrophs:

Which group of bacteria can not grow in the presence of oxygen?

A. Obligate anaerobe;
B. obligate aerobe;
C. Microaerophiles
D. facultative anaerobe;

Which enzyme present in the obligate anaerobe can catablize biochemical reaction inthe cells without oxygen?

A. superoxide dismutase ,
B. Catalase
C. peroxidase
D. RNA polymerase,
