

A. John Smith is not in.
B. The woman has got the wrong number.
C. John Smith doesn't know the woman.
D. John Smith doesn't want to talk to the woman.


Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times.We have just climbed out of a spaceship onto the _____ (1)of the moon. Behind us is the ship, half in the sunlight and half in deep _____(2). A few miles ahead is a wall of mountains towering against the black sky. And there, as though resting on the mountains, is a great ball of light, beautifully _____(3)in blue and green and brown with a patch of dazzling white at the top. It is our own faraway world --the earth.We take a step and rise like prize _____(4)up, float, and down again. Hopping carefully, we explore the valleys, the sloping crater walls, the shadowy crater floors. Not a sound can be heard—there is no air to carry sound, no wind; there are no smells, no plants, no animals. There is nothing but rock and dust, ________(5)sunlight and cold black shadows.

对于单一项目来说,( )说明该项目是可行的。

A. 方案的投资报酬率高于资本成本
B. 方案的投资报酬率低于资本成本
C. 方案的现值指数小于0
D. 净现值是负数

甲公司预计投资A项目,项目投资需要购买一台设备,该设备的价值是100万元,投资期1年,在营业期期初需要垫支营运资本50万元。营业期是5年,预计每年的净利润为120万元,每年营业现金毛流量为150万元,连续五年相等,则该项目的投资利润率为( )。

A. 80%
B. 100%
C. 120%
D. 150%

下列评价指标中,属于非折现指标的是( )。

A. 现值指数
B. 投资利润率
C. 内含报酬率
D. 净现值
