

A. Last week
B. Last month
C. This week
D. This month



A. He spoke a lot of English.
B. He communicated happily with Jack.
C. He stood by listening, seldom spoke English.
D. He felt relaxed when listening to others talking in English.


A. There are so many people at the corner.
B. His English is so poor, while others at the corner are good at English.
C. No matter how hard he works at English, there is no improvement.
D. Whenever he speaks English, he seems to make mistakes


A. People don’t laugh at those who make mistakes.
B. It is a good idea to speak as much English as you can, but be careful to avoid making mistakes.
C. People should not be afraid of making mistakes.
D. It is a good idea to take every chance to speak English

微生物计数法中,平皿法适用于( )

A. 无明显抑菌作用的制剂
B. 有抑菌作用的制剂
C. 可溶性抑菌制剂
D. 水溶性供试品
