According to your textbook, the introduction, body, and conclusion should all be labeled in a speech preparation outline.
Stating main points in a word or two is usually sufficient for a preparation outline.
A. 对
B. 错
You should keep your speaking outline as brief as possible.
A. 对
B. 错
男性,30岁,右侧胸外伤后,出现极度呼吸困难、发绀,胸壁皮下气肿,右侧肺叩诊呈鼓音,听诊呼吸音消失。首先考虑为( )
A. 多根多处肋骨骨折
B. 闭合性气胸
C. 开放性气胸
D. 张力性气胸
E. 进行性血胸
容易发生骨折的肋骨是( )
A. 1-3肋
B. 4-7肋
C. 8-10肋
D. 1l一12肋
E. 肋软骨