
The accident in which two people were seriously injured_____ careless driving

A. in
B. from
C. on
D. of


______ opposing views, our boss declared that the company would enter the furniture market.

A. despite of
B. although
C. Though
D. in spite of

Over-working can be a______ the whole town.

A. task
B. burden
C. bother
D. weight

The new look of the city has ______ a deepimpression on those foreign visitors.

A. left
B. Kept
C. marked
D. remained

一些研究发现,女性相对于男性不仅在识别脸部的能力方面更好,而且在观察脸部时,大脑中与面部识别相关的区域具有更强的反应,在这些区域中有更密集的细胞组织。这些发现似乎印证了一个观点:一般情况下,女性比男性更擅长认人。 以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱上述观点?

A. 参加实验的男性平均年龄为30岁,高出女性平均年龄2岁
B. 一般来说,女性更注重细节,因此对于人面孔的特征,女性观察得更为细致
C. 男性在识别人的面孔时速度较慢,但在时间充足的情况下有更准确的识别率
D. 在一些类似刑侦的特殊职业中,男性与女性在识别面孔的表现中没有显著差别
