Collins Dictionary of Medicine© (2005) defines 'life' as: A self-replicating _____________________ capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution.
Collins Dictionary of Biology (3rd Edition, 2005) defines 'life' as: The continuation of the _______________ activities of an organism.
Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers (2007) defines 'life' as: The aggregate of ____________________; the quality or principle by which living things are distinguished from inorganic matter, as manifested by such phenomena as metabolism, growth, reproduction, adaptation, etc.
A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States (1856) defines 'life' as: 1. The aggregate of the animal functions which ___________ death. 2. The state of animated beings, while they possess the power of feeling and motion.
In the report of Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology (2018), 'synthetic biology' is defined as: refers to a set of concepts, approaches, and tools within __________________ that enable the modification or creation of biological organisms. While there remains no universally agreed-upon definition of synthetic biology (with some defining it more narrowly and others more broadly, one distillation is that synthetic biology "aims to improve the process of genetic engineering".