
How did Binet decide which tasks to include on his first test?

A. He first gave some of the tasks to different groups of children.
B. He first gave the tasks to many children he thought appropriate.
C. He first gave all the tasks to many children regardless of their age.
D. He first worked out thirty tasks for mentally deficient children.



A. 0.05
B. 0.08
C. 0.1
D. 0.12

What does the professor imply when he says this?

A. We do not know that art is around us every day and every minute.
B. We should pay attention to art no matter what choices we may make.
C. Our choices are largely based on our preference for certain art styles.
D. Making everyday choices is just like making art work.

In man, how many pairs of chromosomes do body cells contain?

A. Twenty-two.
B. Twenty-three.
C. Twenty-six.
D. Forty-six.

Which of the following is true?

A. The American economic system is organized around a basically public-owned enterprise.
B. In a private-enterprise economy, individuals are allowed to own productive resources.
C. In the America economy, private property only contains the ownership of productive resources.
D. None.
