患者,女,28岁,右胸部外伤后,局部疼痛,咳嗽时加重,且胸壁局部出现反常呼吸运动,应首先考虑为( )
A. 胸壁软组织挫伤
B. 单根单处肋骨骨折
C. 多根多处肋骨骨折
D. 闭合性气胸
E. 血胸
开放性气胸特有的临床表现是( )
A. 纵隔移向健侧
B. 伤侧呼吸音消失
C. 叩诊为鼓音
D. 呼吸困难、发绀
E. 胸壁伤口处能听到空气出入胸膜腔的吹气声
张力性气胸急救的首要措施是( )
A. 立即行胸膜腔排气减压
B. 迅速封闭胸壁伤口
C. 补充血容量
D. 紧急行气管切开
E. 剖胸探查
What is the time for the next train to Suzhou?
A. Five minutes' walk.
B. Are you ok?
C. 9:45AM.
Good morning, I’d like to check in.
A. Of course. May I have your name please?
B. Yes, Your room is on the first floor.
C. OWhen do you want to leave.?