What portion of the students tested in the study were proficient in reading?
A. One-tenth.
B. More than one-tenth.
C. Less than one-tenth.
D. The results were varied.
椎弓峡部断裂,正确的摄影位置是A. 腰椎正位
A. 腰椎侧位
B. 腰椎双斜位
C. 骶椎斜位
D. 腰骶侧位
Why does the author suggest that students scored so poorly?
A. Because they have poor genes.
Because schools fail to challenge students.
C. Because they lack ability.
D. Because they come from broken homes.
The author suggests that the situation could be improved if______.
A. schools provided separate classes for advanced and lower-level students
B. parents would play a more prominent role in their children"s education
C. schools would expect the same effort from poor-performing readers as from proficient readers
D. more attention was paid to the test results