
[音频]By having a limit of 10 slides, your audiences can easily follow the ________ of your presentations and it also challenges you to design your presentations well.


[音频]By giving yourself limited time on your presentation, you are challenging yourself to leave out unnecessary details and focus on the important stories that will ________ your message.

[音频]When designing your presentation, keep in mind that anything you show must be ________ to everybody in attendance and most audiences will be able to see text that are at least 30-size font.

抑制细菌的转肽酶,阻止肽聚糖交叉联接的药物是( )

A. 四环素
B. 环丝氨酸
C. 万古霉素
D. 杆菌肽
E. 青霉素


A. 细菌细胞壁
B. 细菌核糖体50s亚基
C. 细菌二氢叶酸还原酶
D. 细菌蛋白质合成移位酶
E. 细胞膜
