第一首诗写 之悲。首句写斜阳黯淡,画角哀鸣,是通过 渲染悲凉的气氛。后三句写 之悲。
第二首诗写诗人情感的专一,用 手法:以 反衬 。全诗体现了诗人忠实、笃厚、纯洁、坚贞的品格。这组诗写得深沉哀婉,含蓄蕴藉,但仍保持其语言 的一贯特色。
It is only when you nearly lose someone______ how much you value him.
A. do you realize
B. then you realize
C. that you realize
D. have you realize
It is________ leather its permeability to air and water vapor.
A. the structure it gives
B. giving it the structure of
C. structure that gives it
D. its structures that gives