翻译题Glycosylation, or the attachment of glycans (sugars) to proteins, is the most abundant post-translational modification in nature and plays a critical role in protein folding and activity. Glycans are involved in almost every human disease and biological process. Glycosylation is also important in biotechnology; about 70% of protein therapeutics approved or in development are glycosylated.
翻译题when beta-glucan is taken by mouth, it forms a viscous layer in the small intestine,which reduces the uptake cholesterol and fats and tends to lower blood cholesterol. When given by injection, beta glucans might serve as non-specfic immunomodulators and stimulate the immune system which prevent infections.
翻译题Glucosamine is readily produced in the human body and is necessary for the production ofjoint cartilage (软骨).As we age, producing enough glucosamine becomes more difficult and cartilage is damaged gradually causing stiffness and painful joints.
市场经济中企业运行( )。
A. 有规律
B. 无规律
C. 时有时无
D. 说不清
科层制的标志性组织结构是( )。
A. 塔形结构
B. 脊椎结构
C. 矩阵结构
D. 团队结构