
C-E9. 西方文化中根植于基督教教义的越来越浓厚的个人主义思想,可能是导致当前这个事件的重要原因。(rooted in)


C-E10. 一个好的经验法则是手头留有足够的现金来应对大约四到六个月的生活开销,以免哪天突然意外地丢掉了工作。(rule of thumb)

We also know that otherwise beneficial technologies can ______ troubling ethical questions.

A. give rise
B. open up
C. bring up
D. open to

It was Francis Bacon, a father of the modern scientific project, who said plainly that "the mechanical arts are of ambiguous use, serving as well for hurt as for _______".

A. cure
B. remedial
C. remedy
D. remediation

"If the debasement of the arts and sciences to purposes of wickedness, luxury, and the like, be made a _____ of objection,"Bacon wrote, "let no one be moved thereby, for the same may be said of all earthly goods; of wit, courage, strength, beauty, wealth, light itself and the rest".

A. ground
B. earth
C. grounded
D. basis
