Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon______ school education depends.
A. it
B. that
C. whose
D. which
A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching ia expected to arrive by ______.
A. 9:00 am
B. 10:30 am
C. 2:00 pm
D. 3:30 pm
太平天国运动之初,曾国藩指出:“今春既交,粤盗益复猖獗,西尽泗镇,东侵平梧,二千里中,几无一尺净土。推寻本原,何尝不以有司虐用其民,鱼肉日久,激而不复反顾? 盖太吏之泄泄(闲缺)于上,而一切废置不问者非一朝夕之故矣。”据此可知,曾国藩认为天平天国运动爆发的原因是
A. 自然灾害频仍
B. 社会治安混乱
C. 土地兼并严重
D. 官吏贪暴腐败
What will the man do?
Attend a meeting.
B. Give a lecture.
C. Leave his office.
If you want to improve your speaking skills, you can go to____________.
A. Room 501
B. Room 502
C. Room 601
D. Room 602