
The best title for the passage may be ______.

A. Stop Shootin', Start Thinkin', and Keep Livin'
B. Efforts to Fight against Gun Crimes
C. A Mission to Revitalize the City
D. Violent Murders in Newark



A. back
B. off
C. on
D. in


A. 王某涉嫌抢夺一案,王某委托李律师为其辩护。在检察机关审查起诉过程中,李律师了解到王某实施抢夺时携带凶器,但公诉机关并未掌握这一事实。对于该事实,身为辩护人的李律师应当为被告人王某保守秘密
B. 涉嫌故意伤害的犯罪嫌疑人武大委托其弟武二作为自己的辩护人,在审查起诉阶段,武二经被害人同意,可向其收集与本案有关的材料
C. 犯罪嫌疑人罗某(15周岁)涉嫌强奸罪,其法定代理人认为罗某被采取强制措施超过法定期限,有权要求解除强制措施
D. 犯罪嫌疑人朱某系某公交公司驾驶员,一日因违章驾驶造成特大交通事故,于 2007年3月1日被检察院以交通肇事罪起诉到人民法院,因其家庭较为困难,朱某所在的公交公司推荐单位的工作人员马某为其辩护人,并由朱某在委托书上签了字,人民法院表示同意

It can be inferred from the passage that Piaget would be likely to agree with which of the

A. The severity of the assigned punishment is determined by the perceived magni- tude of negative consequences more than by any other factor.
B. The punishment is to be administered immediately following the transgression.
C. The children assign punishment less arbitrarily than they do when they reach the age of moral autonomy.
D. The punishment for acts of unintentional harm is less severe than it is for acts involving accidental harm.

在债权人会议上,依一般情形,无财产担保的债权人享有表决权,有财产担保的债权人无表决权。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
