A. 对
B. 错
Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases:low road, environmentally friendly; immoral; ethical, criticize1 Making a profit is only _____________ if it hurts someone.2 Some people _____________ businesses for making profit.3 Their ___________________ policies minimize their effect on the Earth.4 Making a profit is ___________ as long as it's made fairly.5 Unfortunately, Angela chose to take the __________.
木窗洞口的宽度宜采用( )mm 的模数。
A. 50
B. 100
C. 300
D. 500
卧室的窗、车间的高侧窗、门上的亮子应分别采用( )开启方式。
A. 平开窗、立转窗、固定窗
B. 推拉窗、悬窗、固定窗
C. 平开窗、固定窗、立转窗
D. 推拉窗、平开窗、中悬窗