
Since 1900, safer and healthier foods have resulted from decreases in microbial contamination and increases in nutritional content. Identifying essential micronutrients and establishing food-fortification programs have almost ____________ major nutritional deficiency diseases such as rickets, goiter, and pellagra in the United States.


American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th Edition, 2016) has defined "Public Health" as: "The science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community, as by preventive medicine, health education, control of communicable diseases, application of sanitary measures, and _____________ of environmental hazards."

RandomHouseKernermanWebster'sCollegeDictionary(2010)hasdefined"PublicHealth"as:"Healthservicestoimproveandprotectcommunityhealth,esp.preventivemedicine,immunization,and _____________."

Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health (7th Edition, 2003) has defined "Public Health" as: "The field of health science that is concerned with safeguarding and improving the physical, mental, and __________ well-being of the community as a whole."

Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary (2012) has defined "Public Health" as: "The art and science of community health, concerned with statistics, epidemiology, hygiene, and the prevention and ___________ of epidemic diseases; an effort organized by society to promote, protect, and restore the people's health; public health is a social institution, a service, and a practice."
