PublicHealthEmergencyofInternationalConcern(PHEIC)isdefinedbyWHOundertheInternationalHealthRegulations(2005)(IHR2005)as"AnextraordinaryeventwhichisdeterminedtoconstituteapublichealthrisktootherStatesthroughtheinternationalspreadofdiseaseandtopotentiallyrequireacoordinatedinternationalresponse".Thisdefinitionimpliesasituationthatis:— serious, sudden, unusual or unexpected;— carries implications for public health beyond the affected State’s national border; and— may require immediate international action.
A. serious,sudden,unusualorunexpected
B. carriesimplicationsforpublichealthbeyondtheaffectedState'snationalborder
C. mayrequireimmediateinternationalaction
D. commoncoldinsomeelderlyintheEurope
Core principles of human rights include:
A. accountability
B. equality
C. non-discrimination
D. participation
Core components of the right to health are:
A. availability
B. accessibility
C. acceptability
D. quality
One of the core components of the right to health is accessibility, which has four overlapping dimensions:
A. non-discrimination
B. physical accessibility
C. economical accessibility (affordability)
D. information accessibility
Quality health services should be:
A. safe – avoiding injuries to people for whom the care is intended;
B. effective – providing evidence-based healthcare services to those who need them;
C. people-centered – providing care that responds to individual preferences, needs and values;
D. timely – reducing waiting times and sometimes harmful delays.